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(19 FEBRERO 2025)

13th Train Airway Trainer (TAT) Course by EAMS

Valencia, ADEIT, miércoles 19 de Febrero 2025

Curso sobre metodología docente aplicada a la vía aérea.

OBJETIVO: Formación de docentes para la enseñanza de la vía aérea

FECHA:  19 de Febrero 2025


INSCRIPCIÓN: Para realizar la inscripción al curso TaT debe enviar un breve texto indicando sus datos profesionales, CV muy resumido con su práctica docente y la motivación para realizar este curso, al mail: (Asunto: CURSO TAT). Tras la aceptación y pago de la matrícula se le dará acceso a la parte online (e-learning).

La inscripción se formalizará mediante transferencia bancaria a nombre de “CURSO TAT”, indicando en CONCEPTO: NOMBRE DEL ALUMNO. 

Nos deberá enviar una fotocopia de la transferencia bancaria al mail anteriormente indicado.

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya (BBVA), sucursal en Avda Primado Reig 72, 46010, Valencia. Los 20 dígitos son: 

ES08 0182 0509 8802 0853 8998 ,

Para transferencias desde el extranjero:

I.B.A.N: ES08 0182 0509 8802 0853 8998 



ACREDITACIÓN asistencia con diploma europeo (EAMS).

PLAZAS muy limitadas.

Target audience: specialist anesthesiologists, intensivists and emergency physicians or senior trainees with advanced airway management skills.

Learning objectives: the student will learn how to organise and teach at an airway management course. More learning objectives are available on the website (Education page)

This is an hands-on training course with international airway management faculty using adult learning techniques and principles.

This course is endorsed and organised by the European Airway Management Society in collaboration with the FIDIVA group.

Date: February 20, 2025
Number of participants: 24

Time: 0900- 18.30 hours

Venue: ADEIT, Universidad de Valencia, Plaza Virgen de la Paz 3, 46001, Valencia, Spain.

Accreditation: requested

Course language: Spanish

Teaching material: Spanish 

Dear TAT-course participants!

The vision of the EAMS TAT-Course is to increase the teaching competences of clinical airway teachers in airway skills teaching, as well as human factors teaching like leadership,
team performance and patients’ safety. The general goals of the EAMS TAT-Course are to amplify the teaching tool box of clinicalairway teachers, to discuss and learn new approaches to teach effectively in the busy clinical environment by fostering collegial exchange between the participants. Airway management is one of the core competencies in anaesthesiology, critical care and emergency medicine. These skills are hard to teach through books or lectures. Personnel in the critical care area mostly teach the establishment of a patent airway in busy clinicalenvironment of patient encounters very often without formal teaching programs for these clinical airway teachers. EAMS created the TAT-course to fill in the gap, to teach clinicians, and to promote modern didactic in airway management training. Most airway teaching happens during clinical patient care, but also during structured airway management courses. TAT will address that too.The EAMS TAT course follows modern didactic principles. The flipped classroom concept provides time for preparation and acquisition of knowledge on teaching. Recently an e-learning part was added facilitation participation of a broad audience and reducing needed on-site teaching. On-site learning is dedicated to practice, discussion, rehearsal, and collegial exchange in small groups and plenary discussions. Essential is the transfer of learned into the participants’ teaching practice. Post-course assignment will foster that and leads to achievethe EAMS-Airway Teacher certificate. The course program covers the general structure of an airway teaching session, the organization of airway courses and sessions, approach to adult learning, facilitation of motivating learners, teaching of complex psychomotor skills and human factors, debriefing, effective feedback and assessment, feedback, and debriefing of learners during airway management teaching. Pre-course reading, e-learning and post-course assignments deepens the learning success. The EAMS TAT Faculty are experienced airway teacher specially trained in education during the EAMS TAT Master Class.

Airway teaching is important and should be done by inspiring professionals who are not only good at communication but also possess clinical skills and have clinical experience. Teaching can be done in many ways and often at the bedside in a time pressurised environment at the hospital.

This is a 1-day course with hybrid pre-course preparation. In collaboration with FIDIVA. Course includes pre-course reading and post course feedback. You must be an EAMS member to join this course. Membership can be applied for at the EAMS website. Longstanding EAMS members will have advantage if there is a waiting list.


La Dirección de los Cursos FIDIVA.

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